Final Fantasy 16 summons list - All summons and how to unlock them

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Final Fantasy 16 Clive Rosfield

While summons are an evergreen feature in the mainline Final Fantasy series, each new game takes a slightly different approach to them. The real-time combat of the 2023 release means the Final Fantasy 16 summons list will feel inherently different.

Before it releases in June 2023, we're pouring through trailers and interviews to draft up a list of the beasts you might able to conjure up to fight for (or as) you soon. Playing catch up? Check out how to beat Bahamut in Final Fantasy 7 Remake or how to beat Shiva in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Final Fantasy 16 summons list

Final Fantasy 16 summons represent various elements of the world, such as fire or water. And although, at the moment, it is not known about all the available Eikons in the upcoming title, we do know that some of them have appeared in previous games of the series. And here is a list of all known Final Fantasy 16 summons:

  • Garuda
  • Titan
  • Shiva
  • Bahamut
  • Leviathan
  • Ramuh
  • Odin
  • Ifrit
  • Phoenix

That's all we know about Final Fantasy 16 summons at the moment. The game will be available in June 2023. And we hope that the developers will reveal even more details about the game before the release.

How do summons work in Final Fantasy 16?

Final Fantasy 16 summons are much more powerful than they were in previous games in the series. In this world, the beasts a select few can conjure are referred to as Eikons. They're considered the ultimate weapons.

Only special people called Dominants can summon and use Eikons, and the ability is so powerful that kingdoms hire Dominants to win wars.

Final Fantasy 16 unknown creature
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The ability to summon in Final Fantasy 16 is a double-edged sword, however. Since Eikons are very powerful, summoning them takes a massive toll on the Dominant's body. Overuse the skill, and a wielder risks death from the fatigue.

Clive, the main character, has to fight against these Eikons. And without the summons himself, he rarely stands a chance against the god-like creatures. Therefore, epic boss battles between Eikons await you. Rather than controlling Eikons like you're playing a beat em' up, battles appear to use just a few strategic button presses and some QTE scenes.

For more, check the our Final Fantasy 16 hub for the release date, developer deep-dives, story roundups, and more summon details. And before you go, feel free to read our guide on how to beat Leviathan in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Final Fantasy 16 page.