Best Modern Warfare 2 loadouts (April 2023)

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Image showing Modern Warfare 2 player in sparks
Credit: Activision
April 25, 2023: With April coming to a close, we've tweaked our guide so you know the very best MW2 loadouts to use in multiplayer.

The best Modern Warfare 2 loadouts are few and far between. Although Infinity Ward's latest release contains an extensive selection of weaponry, players are already gravitating towards a couple of guns that are standing out from the crowd.

Depending on your style of play, there are weapons suited to picking off opponents from a distance and ones that are better suited to running all over the map and gunning anyone you encounter along the way.

Before we share more information on the best Modern Warfare 2 loadouts to use, check out our other guides showcasing the Modern Warfare 2 maps and Modern Warfare 2 perks making their way to multiplayer.

What is the best Modern Warfare 2 loadout?

Primary Weapon Kastov 74u
Secondary WeaponX13 Auto
PerksBattle Hardened Double Time Fast Hands Birds-eye
EquipmentSemtex Flash Grenade
Field UpgradeTrophy System

With players continuing to drop into the action, there are a few weapons that stand out from the rest of the arsenal. In the early stages of the cycle, the above loadout is the very best to use.

For a detailed breakdown of the Kastov 74u, check out our loadout guide for the strongest attachment combination.

Image showing Modern Warfare 2 player holding M16
click to enlarge
Credit: Activision

Best Modern Warfare 2 assault rifle loadout

Although the Lachmann Sub currently dominates the multiplayer meta, there's one assault rifle (AR) that's capable of contending with the SMG in mid-range engagements. If you prefer a slower pace of play, we highly recommend the Kastov 762.

Featuring minimal recoil and incredible damage output, the Kastov 762 is perfect for picking off targets in mid-range engagements.

Best Modern Warfare 2 sniper loadout

So far, the Signal 50 is leading the pack when it comes to the best Modern Warfare 2 sniper rifle. Thanks to the gunsmith, there are numerous ways to adjust it in order to suit your style of play.

With plenty more snipers arriving soon, we expect players to discover another strong rifle to excel in long-distance duels. Once we find one, we'll update the guide with the latest intel.

How many guns are in Modern Warfare 2?

Modern Warfare 2 contains a total of 51 primary and secondary weapons to use in a loadout. With various attachments to equip and limitless combinations to create, there's plenty of choice when attempting to gain the upper hand over the opposition.

The number of weapons continue to expand thanks to seasonal updates and as the meta changes, we'll continue adjusting the guide so you always have access to the very best MW2 loadouts to use in multiplayer.

For more, check out our guide containing intel on the next Modern Warfare 2 double XP event.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , and Shooter Games pages.