Naraka Bladepoint - When Is It Coming Out On PS4, PS5 And Xbox

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Launched last week on PC, Naraka: Bladepoint has been well-received so far by fans. Developed by 24 Entertainment, this 60-player fantasy action battle royale takes focus on melee combat, letting players explore maps using grappling hook-powered movement.

Having arrived on Steam and the Epic Games Store, we know that 24 Entertainment plans a console release later this year. For those looking to find out when that'll be, here's everything we know so far.

Read More: Naraka: Bladepoint - Everything You Need to Know

Naraka: Bladepoint - Confirmed Consoles

Right now, Naraka: Bladepoint is available on PC through Steam and the Epic Games Store. For other platforms, we've only had confirmation via IGN that a PS5 version is "coming soon", though it'll arrive on other consoles at some stage.

Speaking with The Loadout, 24’s overseas marketing manager, Raylan Kwan, advised this is because they've got a smaller team, also explaining that games developed in China don't usually get console ports, either.

Naraka: Bladepoint - Is It Coming To Xbox, PS4 Or Switch?

Right now, we've had no indication that 24 Entertainment is planning a last-gen console release, or a Nintendo Switch edition. Given they've confirmed PS5 plans, we'd speculate that an Xbox Series X|S launch is likely but currently, nothing's been said about Xbox One, PS4 or Switch.

Naraka: Bladepoint - Console Release Date

We don't have a confirmed release date for consoles beyond a vague 2021 window, and during IGN's July preview, 24 Entertainment only revealed it'll launch "soon". During that interview with The Loadout, Kwan informed us they hope it'll release for consoles before 2021 finishes.

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