PUBG Mobile 1.5 Pre-Registrations Are Live, and They Come With a Free Skin

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With Season 19 set to come to a close in the next few weeks, that can only mean one thing: PUBG Mobile 1.5 is right around the corner. Pre-registrations are now live, and Tencent is promising a free skin for everyone who signs up. Did we mention it's free?

How to Sign up to PUBG Mobile 1.5

If you're an avid watcher of the PUBG Mobile Twitter account, you'll likely have seen that pre-registrations for PUBG Mobile 1.5 update are now live.

While the tweet does a good job of explaining why you'd want to sign up, it does a horrible job of explaining how to sign up to PUBG Mobile 1.5.

To sign up to PUBG Mobile 1.5, you need to first launch the game. Sign in with your usual account and wait until you load into the lobby.

Click away any pop-up advertisements that attempt to slow you down. You know the ones. Right now, at least, none of them are for the 1.5 update, so they're not your main concern.

Once they're gone, flick through the second news carousel on the right of the screen and you should eventually spot the "1.5: Ignition Coming Soon" banner. Tap that and your default web browser should open up.

Hit the "Pre-register now!" button and you're all set. When PUBG Mobile 1.5 release date comes around, you'll get a permanent skin from the "Global Outfit Design Contest 2020 Most Popular Entries" skin.

Global Outfit Design Contest 2020 Most Popular Entries Winner Skin - PUBG Mobile 1.5 Free Skin

So which free skin will you get when PUBG Mobile 1.5 goes live? The announcement is sneaky about which it'll be: but it's there, hiding in the background.

Back in October last year, Tencent revealed the 10 most popular Global Outfit Design Contest entries. One "Winner's Choice Award", three "Judges' Choice Awards", and the rest being Players' Choice Awards".

With 10 entries showcased at the end of the contest, the Winner's Choice Award option may not be your favorite, but that's the one you're going to get. It features a gorgeous white vest and purple pleated skirt brought together by a matching hooded cloak with a galaxy pattern on the underside.

As of the time of this article going live, 17 million people have already signed up in anticipation of getting a free skin. Expect to see it an awful lot of it when the patch finally lands.

To read up about the PUBG Mobile 1.5, including features, maps, and the release date, be sure to check out our hub page.

For more articles like this, take a look at our PUBG Mobile and Only Mobile Gaming page.