Watch Dogs: Legion's New Update Is Surprisingly Small On PS5, Compared To Xbox

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Watch Dogs: Legion has released another update yesterday, which features a surprising size disparity between Xbox Series X|S and PS5.

As indicated in Joe Miller's tweet below, the PS5 update's size is over 12 times bigger than the Xbox version. While Xbox Series X/S' edition comes at a massive 40.2GB, Legion's PS5 patch is only around 3.2GB.

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Microsoft's Reaction

This new Watch Dogs: Legion update contains several bug fixes and unlike before, doesn't contain anything big in terms of new content. Even still, that's a huge update across the board, one that's left the gaming community talking about why there's such a big difference between these two versions.

Here is the update size breakdown for all platforms of Watch Dogs: Legion:

  • PS4: 26.6GB
  • PS5: 3.2GB
  • Xbox One: 23.8GB
  • Xbox Series X/X: 40.2GB
  • PC/Stadia: 25.98GB

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