Guardians of the Galaxy: How To Perform a Save Rollback

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Glitches and issues are inevitable obstacles that you can encounter in games. The developer of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, Eidos-Montréal, implemented a save rollback feature as part of the November 17th update. This will allow you to essentially reset the chapter you are playing on if you encounter any major problems. We're going to show you how to perform a save rollback.

Read More: How Many Chapters Are There in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy?

How To Perform a Save Rollback

Go into the main menu screen then click on the "chapters option" where you would go to replay certain chapters in the game. When you are on this screen you should pick which chapter you want to restart the game from.

Once you are in the actual gameplay of the chapter you need to open up your pause screen. At this point the "save game" and "load game" options should be greyed out. You will need to unlock them and these are the following commands for consoles. You need to press all of these commands simultaneously:

Xbox: Left Button, Left Trigger and Y

Playstation: L1, L2 and Triangle

Switch: L, ZL and X

If you have done these commands correctly, you should see that the "save game" option is now available. Click on this and then you should be able to choose a save game slot to put your new save game into. Try to avoid overwriting your main save game.

Once you have chosen your save game slot you will be taken back into the main menu. From here, click on the "load game" option and open up your new save file. As you play through this file, the game will continue to autosave your progress as it would have done if you were playing it the "main" way.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket is angry whilst exploring the cave on Lamentis. He is pointing off the screen.
click to enlarge

If you're enjoying the game then you should take a look at the rest of our guides in our walkthrough hub.

What Is a Save Rollback?

Essentially, the save rollback feature allows you to choose the point in the story where you want to start a brand new game. The game will reset the story to the point you have chosen, perks and abilities. However, the items that you have unlocked and the information in your Galactic Compendium will remain. Some items in Galactic Compendium may not show on the screen but they will still count towards your achievements.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy has many things for you to do, therefore the save rollback can be useful even if you don't encounter a glitch. We have guides that can help you with multiple aspects of the game. We have one on how to beat the blood brothers and another on how to convince the worldmind to help.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and Guides page.