Destiny 2 Xur EDZ Location: Where To Find Xur In Winding Cove

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Destiny 2 is a game with a heavy weekly focus - whether it's the weekly reset, Trials of Osiris, or Xur, the wandering Exotic merchant.

Our mysterious friend appears once a week in a series of pre-determined locations, and in this guide we'll show how to find him on Earth's European Dead Zone, or EDZ.

For his other locations, be sure to check out where to find him in Watcher's Grave on Nessus, or in the Hangar in the Tower, which are the other two locations he can appear (at least as of the time of writing).

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Destiny 2 Xur EDZ Location: Where To Find Xur In Winding Cove

When you open the EDZ on your Director menu, look to the bottom left of the region for 'Winding Cove'.

Select the landing zone there (just below a Lost Sector icon).

When you drop in, you'll want to head forward toward one of the two Region Chest icons on the map.

You'll find a tunnel that leads upwards to the remnants of a Fallen Ship, and find Xur perched on the ledge there.

You can also brute force your way up the side of the cliff with the right jump abilities equipped.

For more on Xur, including where he is and what he's selling, check out our guide here.